I’m Kia Yee or kyatos, a Singaporean writer and artist invested in our capacity for rupture and repair.

slow species is a diaristic space of essays and loose notes where try my best to hold what is tender and true alongside what is sharp and truthful. I want to learn how to live.

Most pieces fall into one of three categories:

  1. Letters from life — where I make sense of personal revelations and realizations I’m having about how to live, such as The third hand in the dark

  2. Philosophical & literary meditations on art — where I use a song, a film, a poem, a novel, etc. to leap somewhere into life, such as Like real people do

  3. Lunar notes — where I share whatever arises close to a full moon or new moon, such as More and less than what your lover desires


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diary, essays, notes / sharp & tender


poet, artist, observer